首页> 外文会议>Annual meeting of the ISSS on systems thinking, globalization of knowledge >Process method: II. From process thinking to the empirical study fo coexisting opposites

Process method: II. From process thinking to the empirical study fo coexisting opposites




The process method systematically measures the 4 features of processes postulated as universal by process theory: (0) Flux is measured as statistical netropy.(1) Action is measured as rate and as asymmetry. (2) Information is measured as the coexitence of ocmplementary opposites, attraction and repulsion, acceleration and develeration. (3) Orgnaization is measured by the duration, idmensionality, and pattern of complexes of recurrences transient, multidimensional and sparsely recurrent ptterns generated by complex interactions, as contrasted to stable, low dimensional and recurrent attractors. In part I we illustrated the application of some process methods to the analysis of time series. Here we discuss processthinking as the foundation for these and to-be-developed methodologies, nd focus on techniques to study the coexistence of opposites, that the theory views as the most fundamental feature of both objective nad subjective processes.
机译:该方法方法系统地测量由过程理论假定为普遍的过程的4个特征:(0)磁通量被测量为统计网关。(1)测量为速率和不对称。 (2)信息被衡量作为Ocmplementary对立,吸引力和排斥,加速和脱络的共用。 (3)通过复合相互作用产生的复合瞬时,多维和稀疏复合的复合物的持续时间,idmentality和复合物的复合物的络合物模式来测量orgna化,与稳定,低尺寸和复发的吸引子形成鲜明对比。在第一部分中,我们说明了一些过程方法在时间序列分析中的应用。在这里,我们将过程讨论为这些和待开发的方法的基础,ND专注于研究对立面共存的技术,即理论视图作为目标NAD主观过程的最基本的特征。



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