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Long term azimuth and elevation measurements in the HF band




Even in the time of satellite communication long distance links in the HF band (3-30 MHz) via the ionosphere are still of great significance. There is also a need for reconnaissance and location in this frequency band. One approach is the single site location (SSL) technique which is capable of estimating the location of transmitters with only one direction finder (DF). A prerequisite for this method is the ability of the DF to measure both azimuth and elevation angle of the incoming wave. This is for example possible by using the interferometric DF. The SSL method works if: the wave is propagating via the ionosphere (sky wave propagation); the virtual height of the ionosphere at the point of reflection is approximately known; and the wave is propagated with a single "hop" (the number of ionospheric reflections) between transmitter and DF. Clearly these assumptions may not be satisfied in practice. If we do not know the position of the transmitter (which is the normal situation in reconnaissance) we will not know the point of reflection. Hence it is not possible to measure or estimate (by means of an appropriate propagation prediction program) the ionospheric behaviour at this point. Furthermore the number of hops is unknown. Nevertheless the SSL method works satisfactory in some cases. We show results from a long term measurement campaign made in the winter of 1995/1996 (azimuth and elevation, signal amplitude) and a measurement campaign in November 1994. The data is used to check the validity of a new prediction program which is actually under development.
机译:即使在通过电离层的HF频段(3-30MHz)中的卫星通信长距离链路仍然具有重要意义。在该频段中还需要侦察和位置。一种方法是能够仅用一个方向查找器(DF)估计发射器的位置的单站点位置(SSL)技术。这种方法的先决条件是DF测量传入波的方位角和仰角的能力。这是通过使用干涉式DF来实现这一点。 SSL方法有效,如果:波通过电离层传播(Sky波传播);反射点处的电离层的虚拟高度约为已知;并且波通过发射器和DF之间的单个“跳”(电离层反射数)传播。显然,这些假设在实践中可能不满足。如果我们不知道发射机的位置(这是侦察中的正常情况),我们将不知道反思点。因此,在这一点上不可能测量或估计(通过适当的传播预测程序)电离层行为。此外,啤酒花的数量未知。然而,在某些情况下,SSL方法工作令人满意。我们展示了1995/1996冬季(方位角和高程,信号幅度)和1994年11月的测量活动所作的长期测量活动的结果。数据用于检查实际下降的新预测程序的有效性发展。



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