首页> 外文会议>International Conference on VLSI Design >A 2.1GHz 6.5mW 64-bit Unified PopCount/BitScan Datapath Unit for 65nm High-Performance Microprocessor Execution Cores

A 2.1GHz 6.5mW 64-bit Unified PopCount/BitScan Datapath Unit for 65nm High-Performance Microprocessor Execution Cores

机译:2.1GHz 6.5MW 64位Unified Popcount / Bitscan DataPath单元为65nm高性能微处理器执行核心



This paper describes a unified PopCount/BitScanForward/BitScanReverse datapath circuit designed for 2.1GHz operation with total power consumption of 6.5mW, targeted for 65nm 64-bit microprocessor execution cores. The unified datapath uses a hybrid 3:2 compressor-based Wallace tree to count the number of '1's in the 64-bit input, along with a novel encoding scheme that enables reuse of the same tree to identify the bit-location of the 1st set bit when scanning the input in the forward and reverse directions. This circuit thus combines the functions of 3 separate units, enabling 26% reduction in total energy and 20% lower area, while achieving single-cycle latency & throughput.
机译:本文介绍了一个统一的Popcount / bitscanforword / bitscanrevere数据路径电路,用于2.1GHz操作,具有6.5mW的总功耗,目标为65nm 64位微处理器执行核心。 Unified DataPath使用混合3:2的基于压缩机的Wallace树,以计算64位输入中的“1的1”,以及一种新颖的编码方案,可以重复使用同一树来识别第1的比特位置在向前和反向方向上扫描输入时设置位。因此,该电路将3个单独单元的功能结合在一起,使得总能量和20%下部区域的减少26%,同时实现单周期延迟和吞吐量。



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