首页> 外文会议>International symposium on bioanalytical chemistry >Spectrophotometric Determination of Arsenic in Organs of Human Being With Arsenic-Antimony-Molybdenum- Rhodamine B Molybdogermanic Blue System

Spectrophotometric Determination of Arsenic in Organs of Human Being With Arsenic-Antimony-Molybdenum- Rhodamine B Molybdogermanic Blue System

机译:用砷 - 锑 - 钼 - 罗丹明B钼锰曼曼曼铵砷的分光光度法测定砷中的砷



Chemists often use AsMo blue spectrophotometry and the method of Silver Diethyl Dithiocarbamate to determine Arsenic. The authors of this paper designed a new method to determine Arsenic. Ascorbic acid reduced molybdogermine aeid of AsS-bMo to molybdogermanic blue and then formedion-associate complex of molybdogermanic blue-rhodamine B in the presence of mixture of acetone and butanone. This new method is easy to operate、 high sensitive, and is really a practical satisfactory method.
机译:化学家通常使用ASMO蓝色分光光度法和银二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸酯的方法来确定砷。本文的作者设计了一种确定砷的新方法。抗坏血酸还原摩尔 - BMO至钼酸盐的蓝色,然后在丙酮和丁酮的混合物存在下形成钼喃丙胺B的钼酸莫兰蓝 - 罗丹明B的助核。这种新方法易于操作,敏感高,实际上是一种实用的令人满意的方法。



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