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ISO 9002-87 Quality System as a Key Tool for Quality Control at the Carol Pellet Plant

机译:ISO 9002-87质量体系作为颂歌颗粒厂的质量控制的关键工具



In order to ensure the Company's viability and future, many Initiatives have been developed over the years. The most Important catalyst for change has been our focus on quality. As part of a global strategy and total quality plan, the Iron Ore Company of Canada decided to develop and implement a formal and certified quality system. The ISO 9000, the International Standard for Quality, was selected to achieve this objective. Through successful implementation of a formal quality system the Iron Ore Company of Canada achieved certification in accordance with ISO 9002-87 Quality Standard, in December, 1991. The ISO 9002-87, Quality System has been used as a key tool for quality control and has been an integral part of our operation for the past year and a half. Steps taken for the development, implementation and utilization of the system are described. IOC has achieved and in many cases, surpassed the expected benefits from ISO 9002-87, Quality System.
机译:为了确保公司的生存能力和未来,多年来已经开发了许多举措。变革最重要的催化剂是我们对质量的关注。作为全球战略和全面质量计划的一部分,加拿大铁矿石公司决定制定和实施正式和认证的质量体系。选择ISO 9000,国际质量标准,选择实现这一目标。通过成功实施正式质量体系,加拿大铁矿石公司根据ISO 9002-87质量标准,1991年12月。ISO 9002-87,质量体系已被用作质量控制的关键工具一直是我们过去一年半行动的一个组成部分。描述了系统的开发,实施和利用所采取的步骤。 IOC已经实现,在许多情况下,超越了ISO 9002-87,质量体系的预期效益。



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