首页> 外文会议>Global Smart Industry Conference >Development of User Interface for OpenFOAM Software Environment Used in Design and Technological Subdivisions of Machine-Building Enterprises

Development of User Interface for OpenFOAM Software Environment Used in Design and Technological Subdivisions of Machine-Building Enterprises




The paper is devoted to special features of the development of an application with a user interface for numerical analysis using OpenFOAM, an open source software environment (SE), in different industrial lines: rocket engineering, automobile, engine-building, aerospace. OpenFOAM is widely applied in the engineering design of products to simulate processes, typical for these products, e.g., the simulation of aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, mechanics of a deformable solid body. OpenFOAM has a key disadvantage: no user interface is available for the SE, all phases of numerical simulation are made with a console application. In the paper the authors analyze the available applications with the user interface, which can be used with OpenFOAM, their drawbacks and define the urgency for the development of a new software product. The authors received the results with the features of scientific novelty of the development. In particular, the authors implemented a mechanism of serialization of parameters of meshes to ensure the possibility to generate any quantity of meshes for one case in OpenFOAM, a mechanism to use bash-scripting for automatic executing console commands; and the possibility to prepare hexagonal dominating parametrical 2D meshes. The developed application expands the OpenFOAM source code, it was registered by Federal Institute of Industrial Property (certificates No 2016613637 dated April 1st, 2016 and No 2018616380 dated May 30th, 2018). If used, the application saves the working hours of experts, makes the understanding of the principles of numerical simulation with OpenFOAM easier.
机译:本文致力于使用OpenFoam的用户界面开发应用程序的应用程序,该界面是使用OpenFoam,在不同的工业生产线中的开源软件环境:火箭工程,汽车,发动机建设,航空航天。 OpenFoam广泛应用于产品的工程设计,以模拟这些产品的典型方法,例如,仿真空气动力学,流体动力学,可变形固体的机械机械。 OpenFoam具有关键缺点:没有用户界面可用于SE,所有数值模拟的阶段都使用控制台应用进行。在论文中,作者使用用户界面分析可用的应用程序,该应用程序可以与OpenFoam一起使用,他们的缺点和定义开发新软件产品的紧迫性。作者通过科学新颖的发展的特征获得了结果。特别是,作者实施了网格参数序列化的机制,以确保在OpenFoam中为一个案例产生任何数量的网格,这是一种使用BASH-Scripting进行自动执行控制台命令的机制;并且可以准备六边形主导参数2D网格的可能性。发达的应用程序扩展了OpenFoam源代码,它由联邦工业财产研究所(2016年4月1日,2016年4月1日,2018年5月30日的No 2018616380)注册。如果使用的话,应用程序可以节省专家的工作时间,了解使用OpenFoam更容易了解数值模拟原则。



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