首页> 外文会议>応用物理学会学術講演会;応用物理学会 >Enhancing Radiation Force at Solution Interlace: the Role of Optical Resonance Effect

Enhancing Radiation Force at Solution Interlace: the Role of Optical Resonance Effect




Since Prof. Ashkin discovered the optical trapping phenomena, laser trapping has been used as optical tweezers to trap and manipulate nanoparticles in three dimensions. Recently, one of the interests in this field has been to develop novel strategies to enhance the radiation forces that are induced to the objects. Among them, we believe that taking advantage of optical resonance effect is one of the most promising strategies. Optical resonance effect is based that we can induce a change in polarizability (and consequently a change in the induced force) when the particle absorbs photons that have similar energy than their transition levels.Different works have been published either from experimental and/or theoretical perspectives. Although, to our best knowledge any work has been published studying the optical resonance effect at interfaces. Recently, optical trapping at interfaces has gained interest in this field due to the discovery of the formation of optically evolving assemblies by us. Thus, optical resonance effect could have an impact on the formation and behavior of such assemblies if dye-doped particles are used.



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