首页> 外文会议>IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop >Influence Estimation on Social Media Networks Using Causal Inference

Influence Estimation on Social Media Networks Using Causal Inference




Estimating influence on social media networks is an important practical and theoretical problem, especially because this new medium is widely exploited as a platform for disinformation and propaganda. This paper introduces a novel approach to influence estimation on social media networks and applies it to the real-world problem of characterizing active influence operations on Twitter during the 2017 French presidential elections. The new influence estimation approach attributes impact by accounting for narrative propagation over the network using a network causal inference framework applied to data arising from graph sampling and filtering. This causal framework infers the difference in outcome as a function of exposure, in contrast to existing approaches that attribute impact to activity volume or topological features, which do not explicitly measure nor necessarily indicate actual network influence. Cramér-Rao estimation bounds are derived for parameter estimation as a step in the causal analysis, and used to achieve geometrical insight on the causal inference problem. The ability to infer high causal influence is demonstrated on real-world social media accounts that are later independently confirmed to be either directly affiliated or correlated with foreign influence operations using evidence supplied by the U.S. Congress and journalistic reports.
机译:估计对社交媒体网络的影响是一个重要的实践和理论问题,尤其是因为这种新媒体被广泛用作虚假信息和宣传的平台。本文介绍了一种新颖的方法来评估社交媒体网络上的影响力,并将其应用于表征2017年法国总统大选期间Twitter上的积极影响力运作的现实问题。新的影响力估算方法通过使用网络因果推理框架考虑网络上的叙事传播来对影响进行归类,其中网络因果推理框架应用于图采样和过滤产生的数据。与将影响归因于活动量或拓扑特征的既有方法未明确衡量或未必表明实际网络影响的现有方法相比,该因果框架推断出结果的差异是暴露的函数。 Cramér-Rao估计范围是因果分析中的一个步骤,可用于参数估计,并用于对因果推理问题进行几何分析。可以在现实世界中的社交媒体帐户上证明推断出高因果影响力的能力,该帐户后来被美国国会提供的证据和新闻报道独立确认为与外国影响力活动直接关联或相关联。



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