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Canonical Correlation Analysis with Common Graph Priors




Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) is a well-appreciated linear subspace method to leverage hidden sources common to two or more datasets. CCA benefits are documented in various applications, such as dimensionality reduction, blind source separation, classification, and data fusion. However, the standard CCA does not exploit the geometry of common sources, which may be deduced from (cross-) correlations, or, inferred from the data. In this context, the prior information provided by the common source is encoded here through a graph, and is employed as a CCA regularizer. This leads to what is termed here as graph CCA (gCCA), which accounts for the graph-induced knowledge of common sources, while maximizing the linear correlation between the canonical variables. When the dimensionality of data vectors is high relative to the number of vectors, the dual formulation of the novel gCCA is also developed. Tests on two real datasets for facial image classification showcase the merits of the proposed approaches relative to their competing alternatives.
机译:典型相关分析(CCA)是一种很好的线性子空间方法,可以利用两个或多个数据集共有的隐藏源。 CCA的好处在各种应用中都有记载,例如降维,盲源分离,分类和数据融合。但是,标准CCA并未利用常见来源的几何结构,后者可能是从(互相关)推论得出的,也可能是从数据推论得出的。在这种情况下,由公共源提供的先验信息在这里通过图进行编码,并用作CCA规则化器。这导致这里称为图CCA(gCCA),它解释了图诱导的常见源知识,同时最大化了规范变量之间的线性相关性。当数据向量的维数相对于向量数高时,也会开发出新型gCCA的双重配方。在两个用于面部图像分类的真实数据集上的测试显示了所提出方法相对于其竞争选择的优点。



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