首页> 外文会议>IEEE Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications >Design and implementation of an Intelligent Portable Aerial Surveillance System (IPASS)

Design and implementation of an Intelligent Portable Aerial Surveillance System (IPASS)




This paper presents the design and implementation of a light-weight, inexpensive, and one-man operable UA V for short range surveillance. The UA V design weighs less than five pounds, fits inside a cubic foot of volume when unassembled, distinguishes a human at a one-hundred foot range, displays image data at a rate of at least one image every five seconds, and is radio controlled. The system is comprised of an integrated propulsion system, an electronics box housing three cameras and two microcontrollers, and a ground station incorporating a graphical user interface for the human-in-the-loop. The design and preliminary results demonstrate a prototype system for the advancement of man-portable aerial surveillance systems. We present our work-in-progress and preliminary results on systems integration, communications and image stitching using the on-board cameras.
机译:本文介绍了一种用于近距离监视的轻巧,廉价,可单人操作的UAV的设计和实现。 UA V设计重量不到5磅,拆装后可放入一立方英尺的体积内,在一百英尺的范围内区分出一个人,每五秒钟以至少一张图像的速率显示图像数据,并进行无线电控制。该系统由一个集成的推进系统,一个装有三个摄像头和两个微控制器的电子箱以及一个地面站组成,该地面站包含用于环内人的图形用户界面。设计和初步结果证明了用于改进便携式空中监视系统的原型系统。我们将介绍使用车载摄像头在系统集成,通信和图像拼接方面的正在进行的工作和初步结果。



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