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Freshness Assessment of Milkfish (Chanos Chanos) Using LabVIEW: Image Processing

机译:使用LabVIEW评估遮目鱼(Chanos Chanos)的新鲜度:图像处理



In a fast-changing world, tradition must adapt with technology. In many industries today, quality control is a method that should be consistent and reliable. One of the industries that are highly in need of this is the global seafood export industry. As humans are subjective, there is a requisite for a technology that would implement certain standards in the industry. This research paper focuses on milkfish (chanos chanos) and the factors affecting its freshness. First are the eyes. They must be clear at the sclera. Red eyes are not necessarily the standard in fish freshness as the fish may be injured during its travel. Second are the gills. The gills must not be brown in color. Third are the scales. Freshly caught fish gives off a metallic shine to its scale as opposed to days-old fish that looks matte. Through the use of Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW), specifically the IMAQ functions, an image of a fish may be processed and analyzed. Standard set in the program will determine if a fish is fresh. This will then result to a more accurate and stable quality control assessment.
机译:在瞬息万变的世界中,传统必须与技术相适应。在当今的许多行业中,质量控制是一种应当一致且可靠的方法。全球海产品出口行业是急需此服务的行业之一。由于人类是主观的,因此有必要在行业中实施某些标准的技术。这篇研究论文着重于遮目鱼(chanos chanos)及其影响新鲜度的因素。首先是眼睛。他们必须在巩膜处弄清楚。红眼睛不一定是鱼新鲜度的标准,因为鱼在旅行过程中可能会受伤。其次是腮。 ill的颜色不得为棕色。第三是天平。刚捕捞的鱼散发出金属光泽,而看起来像无光泽的日龄鱼则相反。通过使用实验室虚拟仪器工程工作台(LabVIEW),特别是IMAQ功能,可以对鱼的图像进行处理和分析。程序中设定的标准将确定鱼是否新鲜。然后,这将导致更准确和稳定的质量控制评估。



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