
Screen door effect reduction using mechanical shifting for virtual reality displays




The Screen Door Effect (SDE) is a common complaint amongst users of Virtual Reality (VR) headsets. SDE is characterizedby a mesh-like artifact, much like looking through a screen door, on an image due to the space between pixels havinga large enough angular size to be resolved through the viewing optics. Current generation VR displays exhibit SDE, distractingthe user and breaking immersion. There are solutions currently in use in commercial VR headsets that reduce SDEin the form of dispersive elements placed in front of the display that effectively blur images from the display. However,these solutions only reduce the SDE, and functionally the blur is equivalent to reducing the quality of the optical stack. Amethod of image enhancement is to “shake” the display using piezo actuators, effectively shifting the pixels to enhancethe image. This method can increase the apparent size of the pixels, reducing the gaps between pixels and leading to areduction of SDE. In this paper, we will explore the limits of SDE reduction using this pixel shifting method with a squarepixel architecture on a 9.4 μm pixel pitch RGBW display, and how that generalizes to other display architectures. We willfind how different stimuli change with screen door reduction, analyzing solid color, text, and natural scenes. We will alsoexplore what parameters to use in order to minimize SDE, adding to the other benefits of this solution and generalizing theparameters to all displays.
机译:屏蔽门效果(SDE)是虚拟现实(VR)头戴式耳机用户的普遍抱怨。 SDE的特点 由于像素之间的空间 足够大的角度大小,可以通过观察光学系统解决。最新的VR显示器具有SDE功能,令人分心 用户和沉浸感。目前在商用VR头戴式耳机中使用的解决方案可降低SDE 以位于显示器前面的分散元件的形式有效地模糊了来自显示器的图像。然而, 这些解决方案仅降低了SDE,并且功能上的模糊等同于降低了光学堆栈的质量。一种 图像增强的方法是使用压电致动器“摇动”显示器,有效地移动像素以增强 图片。此方法可以增加像素的视在尺寸,减小像素之间的间隙并导致 减少SDE。在本文中,我们将探索使用正方形像素移动方法进行SDE还原的极限 9.4μm像素间距RGBW显示器上的像素架构,以及如何推广到其他显示架构。我们将 找出不同的刺激随着屏风门减少的变化,分析纯色,文本和自然场景。我们还将 探索使用什么参数以最小化SDE,增加此解决方案的其他好处,并推广 所有显示的参数。



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