
Dissemination monitoring by LWIR hyperspectral imaging




With the purpose of validating dispersion models, ammonia (NH3) releases were performed in September 2018 and anetwork consisting of NH3 detectors and temperature sensors were positioned in a grid in front of the source. In addition,the test grid was also monitored by a focal plane array imaging system based on a LWIR detector, which was positionedat a safe standoff distance of 1 km. With this setup, it was possible to monitor the release and the development of thegenerated cloud during the dissemination, as well as monitoring surrounding areas for risk assessment purposes during andafter each challenge. As the observation was performed in near real time (approximately 0.5 Hz frame rate for themeasurement, data transfer, Fourier transform and analysis), it was possible to give immediate feedback to the release teamand test control personnel. Of special interest are background concentrations below the detection limit, as once these areachieved this indicates whether an area is safe and/or when additional challenges/disseminations can occur.
机译:目的是验证分散模型,氨(NH3)发布于2018年9月和A 由NH3探测器和温度传感器组成的网络位于源前面的网格中。此外, 还通过基于LWIR检测器的焦平面阵列成像系统监测测试网格,其定位 在安全的距离距离1公里。使用此设置,可以监控释放和开发 在传播期间产生的云,以及监测环境中的周围地区,以期间和风险评估目的 经过每次挑战。随着观察在近实时进行(约0.5Hz帧速率 测量,数据传输,傅里叶变换和分析),可以立即向发布团队提供反馈 和测试控制人员。特别兴趣的是后台浓度低于检测限,就像其中一次是 实现这表明该区域是否是安全的和/或当可能发生额外的挑战/传播时。



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