首页> 外文会议>Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, 2000. Proceedings. 13th Symposium on >Evaluation of a soft error tolerance technique based on time and/orspace redundancy

Evaluation of a soft error tolerance technique based on time and/orspace redundancy




IC technologies are approaching the ultimate limits of silicon interms of channel width, power supply and speed. By approaching theselimits, circuits are becoming increasingly sensitive to noise, whichwill result in unacceptable rates of soft-errors. Manufacturing testingand periodic testing cannot cope with soft errors. Thus, fault toleranttechniques will become necessary even for commodity applications. Thiswork considers the implementation of a new soft error tolerancetechnique based on time redundancy. Arithmetic circuits were used astest vehicle to validate the approach. Simulations and performanceevaluation of the proposed fault-tolerance technique were made usingin-house tools realized around an event driven simulator. The obtainedresults show that tolerance of soft errors can be achieved at low cost
机译:IC技术正在逼近硅的极限 通道宽度,电源和速度方面。通过接近这些 极限,电路对噪声变得越来越敏感, 将会导致不可接受的软错误率。制造测试 定期测试无法解决软错误。因此,容错 技术甚至对于商品应用也将是必不可少的。这 工作考虑实施新的软错误容限 基于时间冗余的技术。算术电路用作 测试车辆以验证方法。模拟与性能 使用以下方法对所提出的容错技术进行了评估 围绕事件驱动的模拟器实现的内部工具。获得的 结果表明,可以以较低的成本实现软错误的容忍度



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