首页> 外文会议>Biomedical Image Processing and Three-Dimensional Microscopy >Use of global information and a priori knowledge for segmentation of objects: algorithms and applications

Use of global information and a priori knowledge for segmentation of objects: algorithms and applications




Abstract: The segmentation of well-contrasted objects is noproblem and the success of several algorithms is provedby applications. But if the objects are poorlycontrasted, it is difficult to find a threshold, whichleads to a right object segmentation and, in manycases, (e.g., touching or overlapping objects) athreshold for the right segmentation of the image intoisolated object regions does not exist. Some methodsare presented which can help to overcome theseproblems. Global information and a priori knowledge areused for the selection of an optimum segmentationthreshold (a threshold is selected independently foreach object). An algorithm for the separation ofconglomerates of convex objects is presented based oncontour information (information about the shape of theobjects). The main characteristics of this algorithmare: construction of a recursive convexity polygon,determination of fuzzy features for the description ofpossible parts of the conglomerate, and dynamicprogramming. Several applications demonstrate the useof further information about shape, grey valuedistribution, and topology. !8
机译:摘要:对比度高的对象的分割是没有问题的,并且通过应用证明了几种算法的成功。但是如果对象对比度差,则很难找到阈值,从而导致正确的对象分割,并且在许多情况下(例如触摸或重叠对象),没有将图像正确分割为孤立对象区域的阈值。提出了一些可以帮助克服这些问题的方法。全局信息和先验知识用于选择最佳分割阈值(为每个对象独立选择一个阈值)。提出了一种基于轮廓信息(物体形状信息)的凸物体团块分离算法。该算法的主要特征是:递归凸多边形的构造,用于描述企业集团可能部分的模糊特征的确定以及动态编程。多个应用程序演示了有关形状,灰度值分布和拓扑的更多信息的使用。 !8



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