
Generating 3D People in Scenes Without People




We present a fully automatic system that takes a 3D scene and generates plausible 3D human bodies that are posed naturally in that 3D scene. Given a 3D scene without people, humans can easily imagine how people could interact with the scene and the objects in it. However, this is a challenging task for a computer as solving it requires that (1) the generated human bodies to be semantically plausible within the 3D environment (e.g. people sitting on the sofa or cooking near the stove), and (2) the generated human-scene interaction to be physically feasible such that the human body and scene do not interpenetrate while, at the same time, body-scene contact supports physical interactions. To that end, we make use of the surface-based 3D human model SMPL-X. We first train a conditional variational autoencoder to predict semantically plausible 3D human poses conditioned on latent scene representations, then we further refine the generated 3D bodies using scene constraints to enforce feasible physical interaction. We show that our approach is able to synthesize realistic and expressive 3D human bodies that naturally interact with 3D environment. We perform extensive experiments demonstrating that our generative framework compares favorably with existing methods, both qualitatively and quantitatively. We believe that our scene-conditioned 3D human generation pipeline will be useful for numerous applications; e.g. to generate training data for human pose estimation, in video games and in VR/AR. Our project page for data and code can be seen at: {https://vlg.inf.ethz.ch/projects/PSI/}.
机译:我们提出了一种采用3D场景并生成在该3D场景中自然摆放的合理3D人体的全自动系统。在没有人的3D场景下,人类可以轻松想象人们如何与场景及其中的对象进行交互。但是,这对于计算机而言是一项艰巨的任务,因为要解决该问题,需要(1)生成的人体在3D环境中(例如坐在沙发上或在火炉旁做饭的人)在语义上是合理的,并且(2)人与场景的交互在物理上是可行的,因此人体与场景不会相互渗透,同时,身体与场景的接触也支持物理交互。为此,我们利用了基于表面的3D人体模型SMPL-X。我们首先训练一个条件变分自动编码器,以预测以潜在场景表示为条件的语义上合理的3D人体姿势,然后使用场景约束进一步精炼生成的3D身体,以实施可行的物理交互。我们证明了我们的方法能够合成与3D环境自然交互的逼真的,富有表现力的3D人体。我们进行了广泛的实验,证明我们的生成框架在质量和数量上均优于现有方法。我们相信,我们的场景式3D人类生成管道将可用于众多应用;例如在视频游戏和VR / AR中生成用于人体姿势估计的训练数据。可以在以下位置查看我们的数据和代码项目页面:{https://vlg.inf.ethz.ch/projects/PSI/}。



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