2 sequestration using waste coal f'/> Investigation of CO2 Sequestration Possibility via Indirect Mineral Carbonation using Waste Coal Fly Ash
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Investigation of CO2 Sequestration Possibility via Indirect Mineral Carbonation using Waste Coal Fly Ash




Mineral carbonation is recognized as a significant method for CO2 sequestration using waste coal fly ash. Naturally available free lime in coal fly ash can be extracted to an aqueous solution before reaction with CO2, which could produce precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC), i.e., indirect mineral carbonation. In this study, fly ash samples were collected from Lakvijaya Coal Power Plant (LCPP) in Sri Lanka and tested for their chemical/physical properties and the possibility of calcium extraction. The average calcium oxide (CaO) content in LCPP fly ash was 5.81 wt%. Laboratory experiments were performed to determine the possibility for indirect carbonation, varying the residence time, quality of mixing, solid-liquid ratio, and salinity of water. Under the specific conditions, the maximum calcium extraction efficiency of 9.65% was obtained within 45 minutes, which stayed constant against time, thereafter. Effect of improved mixing using baffles was minor, where similar variations were observed for both baffled and non-baffled configurations against mixing time. Increased salinity significantly improved the calcium extraction efficiency by 71.1% when the salinity got increased from 0 g/L to 50g/L, which highlights the potential of sea water as an effective solvent for indirect mineral carbonation process using coal fly ash for CO2 sequestration.
机译:矿物碳酸化被认为是一种重要的CO方法 2 用废煤粉煤灰封存。粉煤灰中天然可用的游离石灰可在与CO反应之前先提取到水溶液中 2 会产生沉淀的碳酸钙(PCC),即间接矿物碳酸化。在这项研究中,从斯里兰卡的拉克维贾亚煤炭发电厂(LCPP)收集了粉煤灰样品,并测试了它们的化学/物理性质以及提取钙的可能性。 LCPP飞灰中的平均氧化钙(CaO)含量为5.81 wt%。进行了实验室实验以确定间接碳酸化的可能性,改变停留时间,混合质量,固液比和水的盐度。在特定条件下,在45分钟内获得的最大钙提取效率为9.65%,此后随时间保持恒定。使用折流板改善混合的效果很小,对于折流板和非折流板配置,观察到相似的混合时间变化。当盐度从0 g / L增加到50g / L时,盐度的增加显着提高了钙的提取效率,提高了71.1%,这突显了海水作为将煤粉煤灰用作CO进行间接矿物碳酸化过程的有效溶剂的潜力。 2 隔离。



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