
Use of Augmented Reality by Older Adults




Augmented Reality (AR) is an emerging technology that is gaining in popularity as it becomes more affordable. AR applications superimpose computerized objects on top of the users' physical world. Through the use of mobile devices or AR glasses, users can see their physical environment around them as well as the digital artifacts. AR has been touted as the next technology to replace our current smartphone and desktop experiences for everyday activities. For example, online shopping, examination of health information, interior decorating, and family communication are activities that have the potential to be enhanced by AR. Older adults, in particular, stand to benefit from this technology. This paper discusses the usability and user experience (UX) of AR applications among older adults. In addition, it explains the heuristics that have been suggested for AR applications and how they can be applied to older adult populations. Such heuristics allow providers of AR solutions to more quickly and reliably assess usability and UX, which in turn facilitates informed iterative design/development, resulting in more satisfying, efficient, and effective solutions.
机译:增强现实(AR)是一项新兴技术,随着价格越来越便宜,它越来越受欢迎。 AR应用程序将计算机化的对象叠加在用户的物理世界之上。通过使用移动设备或AR眼镜,用户可以看到他们周围的物理环境以及数字工件。 AR被吹捧为替代日常活动中我们当前的智能手机和台式机体验的下一项技术。例如,在线购物,检查健康信息,室内装饰和家庭交流是AR可能增强的活动。尤其是老年人,可以从这项技术中受益。本文讨论了老年人中AR应用程序的可用性和用户体验(UX)。此外,它还解释了针对AR应用建议的启发式方法,以及如何将其应用于老年人群。这种启发式方法使AR解决方案的提供者可以更快,更可靠地评估可用性和UX,从而有助于进行明智的迭代设计/开发,从而产生更令人满意,更有效的解决方案。



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