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Vision: I don’t want to use my Phone! A Cognitive Walkthrough for YubiKeys

机译:愿景:我不想使用我的手机! YubiKeys的认知演练



Security keys can be used as a second factor when users aim at securing their online accounts or devices in addition to passwords. In this vision paper, we made the first step to identify common issues when registering a YubiKey as second factor on Google, Facebook, Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04.4 accounts by a cognitive walkthrough. We found the websites to be too phone-centered and the instructions for operating systems too complex and incomplete at the same time. We therefore plan to analyze further websites to identify the most usable implementation for each step of the registration process, in order to combine those into an improved overall solution.
机译:当用户除了密码之外,还旨在保护其在线帐户或设备时,安全密钥可以用作第二个因素。在此愿景文件中,我们迈出了第一步,通过认知演练,将YubiKey注册为Google,Facebook,Windows 10和Ubuntu 18.04.4帐户上的第二要素时,确定了常见问题。我们发现网站过于以电话为中心,同时操作系统说明也过于复杂和不完整。因此,我们计划分析进一步的网站,以在注册过程的每个步骤中确定最有用的实施方式,以将其组合为改进的整体解决方案。



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