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Iodine: Fast Dynamic Taint Tracking Using Rollback-free Optimistic Hybrid Analysis




Dynamic information-flow tracking (DIFT) is useful for enforcing security policies, but rarely used in practice, as it can slow down a program by an order of magnitude. Static program analyses can be used to prove safe execution states and elide unnecessary DIFT monitors, but the performance improvement from these analyses is limited by their need to maintain soundness. In this paper, we present a novel optimistic hybrid analysis (OHA) to significantly reduce DIFT overhead while still guaranteeing sound results. It consists of a predicated whole-program static taint analysis, which assumes likely invariants gathered from profiles to dramatically improve precision. The optimized DIFT is sound for executions in which those invariants hold true, and recovers to a conservative DIFT for executions in which those invariants are false. We show how to overcome the main problem with using OHA to optimize live executions, which is the possibility of unbounded rollbacks. We eliminate the need for any rollback during recovery by tailoring our predicated static analysis to eliminate only safe elisions of noop monitors. Our tool, Iodine, reduces the overhead of DIFT for enforcing security policies to 9%, which is 4.4× lower than that with traditional hybrid analysis, while still being able to be run on live systems.
机译:动态信息流跟踪(DIFT)对于执行安全策略很有用,但在实践中很少使用,因为它会使程序减慢一个数量级。可以使用静态程序分析来证明安全的执行状态并淘汰不必要的DIFT监视器,但是这些分析所带来的性能改进受到它们保持良好状态的需求的限制。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的乐观混合分析(OHA),可以显着减少DIFT开销,同时仍然保证良好的结果。它由预测性的整个程序静态污点分析组成,该分析假定从轮廓中收集了可能的不变性,从而显着提高了精度。对于那些不变量为真的执行,优化的DIFT是合理的;对于那些不变量为假的执行,优化的DIFT可以恢复为保守的DIFT。我们展示了如何克服使用OHA优化实时执行的主要问题,即无限回滚的可能性。通过定制谓词静态分析以仅消除Noop Monitor的安全隐患,我们消除了恢复期间进行任何回滚的需求。我们的工具Iodine可将执行安全策略的DIFT开销降低到9%,这比传统混合分析的开销低4.4倍,同时仍然可以在实时系统上运行。



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