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A Stroke-Based RNN for Writer-Independent Online Signature Verification




In the field of online handwritten signature verification, it is challenging to verify handwritten signature in a writer-independent scenario. In recent years, many researchers have been applying deep neural network methods to the signature verification task. However, these methods have not outperformed traditional methods, especially when the training samples are limited. In this paper, we propose a novel stroke-based bidirectional RNN architecture. The main idea is to split the signature into multiple patches using strokes. Concatenation of query and reference signature pairs are used as input. The proposed method uses two LSTM RNN networks to extract different features. The first one extracts the features of the strokes and the latter extracts the global features of the whole signatures. The results on the BiosecureID dataset demonstrate that our proposed method can reduce the EER by 33.05%, from 5.6% to 3.75% with fewer features and less training samples. Besides, we find that the proposed stroke based RNN network is 5x faster in training and testing time than Non stroke-based RNN network.
机译:在在线手写签名验证领域,在独立于作者的情况下验证手写签名具有挑战性。近年来,许多研究人员已将深度神经网络方法应用于签名验证任务。但是,这些方法并没有优于传统方法,特别是在训练样本有限的情况下。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的基于笔划的双向RNN架构。主要思想是使用笔划将签名分成多个补丁。查询和参考签名对的串联用作输入。所提出的方法使用两个LSTM RNN网络来提取不同的特征。第一个提取笔画的特征,第二个提取整个签名的全局特征。 BiosecureID数据集上的结果表明,我们的方法可以减少EER 33.05%,从5.6%降低到3.75%,且功能更少,训练样本更少。此外,我们发现所提出的基于笔划的RNN网络在训练和测试时间上比非基于笔划的RNN网络快5倍。



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