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Heads Up, Don't Duck Program for Decreasing the Risk for Cervical Spine Injury




The incidence of paralyzing cervical spine injuries in ice hockey players can be greatly decreased by teaching players to keep their heads up, especially when they contact the boards. This simple maneuver can be very effective in helping to decrease the risk of catastrophic cervical spine fractures and possible quadriplegia. To address this issue, the Heads Up, Don't Duck (HUDD) Program was launched in December 1995, just six weeks after Travis Roy sustained a paralyzing cervical spine injury while playing in his first college game. The program includes drills that train players to keep their heads up, especially when near the boards, and the placement of "Heads Up, Don't Duck" posters and decals in and around hockey rinks and dressing rooms to reinforce the HUDD message. In addition, HUDD brochures are distributed to parents, players, and coaches, and there is a USA Hockey Heads Up, Don't Duck video that is designed to be viewed by players at the beginning of each season in order to promote safety and prevent injury. At present, there is no protective equipment that can help to decrease the risk for axial compression cervical spine injuries; active prevention is the best approach to decreasing the risk of these injuries. By regularly devoting a few minutes of designated practice time to HUDD drills, players can learn to adopt a head-up posture. This form of active prevention can decrease player exposure to axial compression cervical spine injury and reduce the overall risk of these injuries occurring.
机译:通过教导运动员抬起头,特别是当他们接触木板时,可以大大降低冰上曲棍球运动员颈椎瘫痪的发生率。这种简单的操作可以非常有效地帮助降低灾难性的颈椎骨折和可能的四肢瘫痪的风险。为了解决这个问题,1995年12月发起了“抬头,别做鸭子(HUDD)计划”,就在特拉维斯·罗伊(Travis Roy)在他的第一场大学比赛中遭受瘫痪的颈椎损伤仅仅六周之后。该计划包括训练运动员保持头部抬头的训练,尤其是在靠近木板时,以及在曲棍球溜冰场和更衣室内及周围放置“抬头,别做鸭子”的海报和贴花,以增强HUDD信息。此外,HUDD小册子还分发给了父母,球员和教练,并且还提供了美国曲棍球单挑,不要鸭子视频,旨在让球员在每个赛季开始时观看该视频,以提高安全性并防止受伤。目前,没有防护设备可以帮助降低颈椎轴向受压的伤害的风险。积极预防是降低这些伤害风险的最佳方法。通过定期花几分钟的指定练习时间进行HUDD训练,玩家可以学会采取抬头姿势。这种形式的主动预防可以减少球员暴露于轴向压迫颈椎损伤的风险,并降低发生这些损伤的总体风险。



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