首页> 外文会议>IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems >“Hammer: Robot Programming Interface for Common People”

“Hammer: Robot Programming Interface for Common People”




This video shows the main features of Hammer, a tablet-based end-user interface for industrial robot programming, in a real environment: a robotic cell created for the Hephestos European project. Hammer is an Android application that makes easier to program tasks for industrial robots like polishing, milling or grinding. It is based on the Scratch programming language, but specifically design and created for Android OS. It is a visual programming concept that allows non-skilled operators to create programs. The application allows to monitor the tasks while it is being executed by overlapping real time information through augmented reality. The application includes a teach pendant screen that can be customized according to the operator needs at every moment. The application is designed for online programming and reprogramming; easy use of learn-by-demonstration methods; easy connection with the robot control and sensors systems; and safety-system integration. It aims to be intuitive, easy to use, and simple. The application has four main parts: customized teach pendant, robot programming IDE and simulator, manual-guidance interface and augmented-reality-based-monitoring system.
机译:该视频显示了Hammer的主要功能,Hammer是一个在实际环境中用于工业机器人编程的基于平板电脑的最终用户界面:为Hephestos Europe项目创建的机器人单元。 Hammer是一个Android应用程序,可简化对工业机器人的任务编程,例如抛光,铣削或磨削。它基于Scratch编程语言,但专门针对Android OS设计和创建。这是一种可视化的编程概念,它允许非熟练操作人员创建程序。该应用程序允许通过增强现实重叠实时信息来监视正在执行的任务。该应用程序包括一个示教器屏幕,可以根据操作员的需求随时对其进行定制。该应用程序专为在线编程和重新编程而设计;易于使用的示范学习方法;易于与机器人控制和传感器系统连接;和安全系统集成。它旨在直观,易于使用和简单。该应用程序包含四个主要部分:定制的示教器,机器人编程IDE和模拟器,手动引导界面以及基于增强现实的监视系统。



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