首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications;IEEE International Conference on Smart City;IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems >Aspect Level Sentiment Classification with Memory Network Using Word Sentiment Vectors and a New Attention Mechanism AM-PPOSC

Aspect Level Sentiment Classification with Memory Network Using Word Sentiment Vectors and a New Attention Mechanism AM-PPOSC




For aspect level sentiment classification, the attention mechanisms of memory network can capture the importance of each context word when inferring the sentiment polarity of an aspect. However, the existing attention mechanisms of memory network are either content-based or location-based while the part of speech (POS) of word is not used. Accordingly, this paper proposes a new attention mechanism called AM-PPOSC which uses the location, POS and content information. In addition, the common-used algorithms for learning word embedding typically only model the syntactic context of words but ignore the sentiment polarities of words. So, this paper proposes a method that based on TD-LSTM and SentiWordNet 3.0 to capture the sentiment polarities of words which represented as word sentiment vectors. Then, AM-PPOSC and word sentiment vectors are applied to memory network. Experiments on two datasets demonstrate that not only AM-PPOSC outperforms the original attention mechanisms of memory network when inferring the sentiment polarity of an aspect, but also word sentiment vectors can improve the performance of memory network. Furthermore, compared with feature-based SVM, LSTM and TD-LSTM, memory network with AM-PPOSC and word sentiment vectors achieves higher accuracies on two datasets.
机译:对于方面级别的情感分类,当推断方面的情感极性时,存储网络的注意力机制可以捕获每个上下文单词的重要性。但是,现有的存储网络注意力机制是基于内容的或基于位置的,而没有使用单词的词性(POS)。因此,本文提出了一种新的注意力机制,称为AM-PPOSC,它使用位置,POS和内容信息。另外,用于学习单词嵌入的常用算法通常仅对单词的句法上下文建模,而忽略单词的情感极性。因此,本文提出了一种基于TD-LSTM和SentiWordNet 3.0的方法来捕获以词情感向量表示的词的情感极性。然后,将AM-PPOSC和单词情感向量应用于存储网络。在两个数据集上进行的实验表明,当推断一个方面的情感极性时,不仅AM-PPOSC的性能优于存储网络的原始注意力机制,而且单词情感向量也可以改善存储网络的性能。此外,与基于特征的SVM,LSTM和TD-LSTM相比,具有AM-PPOSC和单词情感向量的内存网络在两个数据集上实现了更高的准确性。



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