首页> 外文会议>Audio Engineering Society international convention >Implementation of 4-pi reverberation effects in immersive sound contents. - Balance of object-based tracks and channel-based tracks

Implementation of 4-pi reverberation effects in immersive sound contents. - Balance of object-based tracks and channel-based tracks

机译:在沉浸式声音内容中实现4-pi混响效果。 -基于对象的轨道和基于通道的轨道之间的平衡



The paper describes effective use of 4-pi (all directional) acoustical information of reverberation for post-production works. Measurement and analysis technique of sound intensities, VSV(Virtual Source Visualizer), is used for capturing 4-pi reverberations, and the obtained reverberations, VSVerb, are mapped on audio tracks of a DAW. In order to obtain precise rendering of spatial characteristics of the VSVerb, it is ideal to assign one object track to one reflection component. However, Dolby Atmos has the number of reflections restricted to 118. According to the hearing impressions by the authors show this restriction is impractical. This paper proposes a practical method to balance objects' and beds' tracks with less auditory deterioration.
机译:本文介绍了有效利用4-pi(全向)混响声信息进行后期制作的工作。声音强度的测量和分析技术VSV(虚拟源可视化器)用于捕获4-pi混响,并将获得的混响VSVerb映射到DAW的音轨上。为了获得VSVerb空间特征的精确渲染,理想的是将一个对象轨迹分配给一个反射分量。但是,杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos)的反射次数限制为118。根据作者的听力印象,这种限制是不切实际的。本文提出一种实用的方法来平衡听觉和听觉的平衡,从而减少物体和床的轨迹。



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