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Investigation into the Discrepancies Between Writing on Paper and Writing on a Touchscreen Device




Due to the complexity of text in Asian languages and hence the complexity of input methods, demand for stylus-type input is higher in Asian than the Western world, prompting Asian tech brands such as Samsung and Sony to introduce smart devices with in-built stylus to cater to this group of consumers. To account for general usage, this research has opted to employ mobile devices with built-in stylus as test equipment. In addition, in order to account for the difference between various sizes of devices, the researchers have chosen three device dimensions: 5.7 in, 9.7 in, and 12 in, for the tests, and each size of device is compared to an identically sized piece of paper. In consideration of the locality of the behavior of users, the subjects are asked to input using Traditional Chinese text only. Results from the experiment showed, in terms of writing behavior, that almost all subjects put the device flat on a table for writing, and that the habit of spinning the paper to an angle for writing is transferred to writing on a device. The finger positions on a stylus change depending on the properties of the device, especially when writing on the 5.7 in, the smallest device, touching the stylus at the smaller supporting points or completely dangle the pen away from the palm occurs much more often than on the bigger device sizes. In terms of writing performance, writing time on a device is generally longer than that on paper. The words written on a device are bigger and grow in size as the device size increases on the devices, but on the different sizes of paper the words stay relatively the same size. Words written on a device are generally less legible than those written on paper.
机译:由于亚洲语言文本的复杂性,因此输入方法的复杂性,亚洲世界的对触控笔的需求比西方世界更高,促使亚洲技术品牌如三星和索尼,引入带内置手写笔的智能设备迎合这群消费者。要考虑到一般用途,该研究选择使用带内置触控笔的移动设备作为测试设备。此外,为了考虑各种尺寸的设备之间的差异,研究人员选择了三个设备尺寸:5.7,9.7英寸和12 in,用于测试,并将每个尺寸的设备与相同的尺寸进行比较纸。考虑到用户行为的局部性,要求主题仅使用繁体中文文本输入。实验结果在写作行为方面显示,几乎所有受试者都将设备平放在表格上的表格上,并且将纸张旋转到写作角度的习惯转移到在设备上写入。触控笔上的手指位置根据设备的性质,特别是在5.7 in,最小的设备上写入时,触摸较小的支撑点或完全悬挂从手掌的笔,更频繁地摇动笔更大的设备尺寸。在写入性能方面,设备上的写作时间通常比纸张更长。在设备上写入的单词尺寸较大,随着器件尺寸的增加而增长,但在不同尺寸的纸张上,单词保持相同的大小。写在设备上的单词通常比在纸上写的那些易读。



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