
Fuzzy hamming distinguishability




Back in 1967 the Croat linguist Ž. Muljačić had used a fuzzy generalization of the Hamming distance between binary strings to classify Romance languages. In 1956 Cl. Shannon had introduced the notion of codeword distinguishability in zero-error information theory. Distance and distinguishability are subtly different notions, even if, with distances as those usually met in coding theory (ruling out zero-error information theory, which is definitely non-metric), the need for string distinguishabilities evaporates, since the distinguishability turns out to be an obvious and trivial function of the distance. Fuzzy Hamming distinguishabilities derived from Muljačić distances, instead, are quite relevant and must be considered explicitly. They are very easy to compute, however, and we show how they could be applied in coding theory to channels with erasures and blurs. Fuzzy Hamming distinguishabilities appear to be quite a promising tool to extend Muljačić approach from linguistic classification to linguistic evolution.
机译:早在1967年,克罗地亚语言学家Ž。 Muljačić使用二进制字符串之间的汉明距离的模糊概括对罗曼语言进行分类。在1956年的Cl。 Shannon在零错误信息理论中引入了码字可区分性的概念。距离和可区分性是微妙的不同概念,即使使用编码理论中通常会遇到的距离(排除零错误信息理论,这绝对是非度量的),对字符串可区分性的需求也逐渐消失,因为可区分性最终变成了是距离的一个明显而微不足道的函数。相反,从Muljačić距离得出的模糊汉明可区分性非常相关,必须明确考虑。但是,它们非常容易计算,并且我们展示了如何将其应用于编码理论中具有擦除和模糊的通道。模糊汉明的可分辨性似乎是将穆尔贾奇方法从语言分类扩展到语言进化的相当有前途的工具。



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