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Statistical analyses of land surface temperature in local climate zones: Case study of Brno and Prague (Czech Republic)




The classification of “local climate zones” (LCZs) emerged in urban climatology to standardize description of urban climate research sites. One of the goals of classification was to get beyond urban-rural dichotomy which enabled to study urban air temperature field in more detail. Based on empirical and modelling work LCZ have proven effective in examining intra-urban air temperature differences, however a robust examination of intra-urban land surface temperatures using the LCZ framework remains elusive. In this study a GIS-based method is used for LCZ delimitation in Prague and Brno (Czech Republic), while land surface temperatures (LSTs) derived from LANDSAT and ASTER satellite data are employed for exploring the extent to which LCZ classes discriminate with respect to LSTs. Results indicate that LCZs demonstrate the features typical of LST variability, and thus typical surface temperatures differ significantly among most LCZs. ANOVA and subsequent multiple comparison tests demonstrated that significant temperature differences between the various LCZs prevail in both cities (89.3% and 91.6% significant LST differences for Brno and Prague respectively). In general, LCZ 8 (large low-rise buildings), LCZ 10 (heavy industry) and LCZ D (low plants) are well-distinguishable, while LCZ 2 (compact midrise), LCZ 4 (open high-rise), and LCZ 9 (sparsely built-up) are less distinguishable in terms of their LST. In most of the scenes LCZ 10 (heavy industry), LCZ 2 (mid-rise buildings) and LCZ 3 (low-rise building) are the warmest and LCZ G (water bodies) and LCZ A (dense forest) are the coolest zones in term of their LST. Further studies are needed to account for observational errors (such as seasons differences or thermal anisotropy) on LCZ LST patterns.
机译:城市气候学中出现了“局部气候区”(LCZs)的分类,以规范城市气候研究地点的描述。分类的目标之一是超越城乡二分法,从而能够更详细地研究城市气温场。基于经验和建模工作,LCZ已被证明可以有效地检查城市内部的空气温度差异,但是,使用LCZ框架对城市内部的地表温度进行可靠的检查仍然遥遥无期。在这项研究中,基于GIS的方法用于布拉格和布尔诺(捷克共和国)的LCZ划界,而从LANDSAT和ASTER卫星数据得出的地表温度(LST)用于探索LCZ类别相对于歧视的程度LST。结果表明,LCZ表现出LST变异性的典型特征,因此大多数LCZ之间的典型表面温度差异显着。方差分析和随后的多重比较测试表明,两个城市中各个LCZ之间的温度差异均显着(布尔诺和布拉格的LST差异分别为89.3%和91.6%)。通常,LCZ 8(大型低层建筑),LCZ 10(重工业)和LCZ D(低层厂房)是可以很好区分的,而LCZ 2(紧凑型中层建筑),LCZ 4(开放式高层建筑)和LCZ 9(稀疏堆积)的LST较难区分。在大多数场景中,LCZ 10(重工业),LCZ 2(中层建筑)和LCZ 3(低层建筑)是最温暖的区域,LCZ G(水体)和LCZ A(密集的森林)是最凉爽的区域就其LST而言。需要进一步研究以解决LCZ LST模式的观测误差(例如季节差异或热各向异性)。



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