
A Sigh of Relief: Completion of the San Mateo El Cerrito Relief Line

机译:救济一声:San Mateo El Cerrito救济线的完成



The City of San Mateo experienced sanitary sewer overflows in their collection system during heavy rains. The City not only had to convey its own sewage flows, but also those of the Town of Hillsborough and Crystal Springs County Sanitation District. After years of negotiations and under the mandate of a cease-and-desist order from the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the City, Town and District agreed to construct a dedicated sewage relief line.A new, large-diameter underground pipeline that needed to be thread down busy, congested commercial and residential streets, an environmentally sensitive creek and Caltrain corridors: What could go wrong?This paper will discuss the importance of project contingency planning and will provide an overview of the pilot tube guided boring technique under an environmentally sensitive creek. Of particular importance:
机译:在大雨期间,圣马特奥市的收集系统中出现了下水道溢水的现象。纽约市不仅必须传达自己的污水流,而且还必须传达希尔斯伯勒镇和水​​晶泉县卫生区的污水流。经过多年的谈判,并在区域水质控制委员会发出的终止令下,市,镇和区同意建造一条专用的污水排放管线。 一条新的大直径地下管道需要穿过繁忙,拥挤的商业和住宅街道,对环境敏感的小河和Caltrain走廊:可能出什么问题了? 本文将讨论项目应急计划的重要性,并将概述在环境敏感的小溪下的先导导管钻孔技术。特别重要的是:



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