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Recommender system to identify students with learning deficiencies in assessments




Find areas and indicators of achievement where students need to reinforce their knowledge is a difficult task for teachers in schools. This article presents a decision-making support system that allows teachers to identify students with poor academic performance. The strategy is a Matrix Based Recommender System to rate assessments and share the results using statistical graphs. To validate this proposal we used focus group and daily meetings methodologies. The proposed strategy was tested in UGEL07-Lima-Perú with 135 schools and 25491 students in evaluation process. The evaluation results show that teachers agree with the proposed strategy, because it allows them to have assessment information everywhere and at every time. The results also highlight that using the tool users can have visual information in real time. Furthermore, the information shared through the application improves decision-making on corrective actions for poor academic performance in evaluated areas.
机译:在学校教师中,找到学生需要加强知识的领域和成就指标是一项艰巨的任务。本文介绍了一种决策支持系统,该系统可使教师识别出学习成绩较差的学生。该策略是基于矩阵的推荐系统,用于对评估进行评分并使用统计图共享结果。为了验证该建议,我们使用了焦点小组和日常会议方法。 UGEL07-Lima-Perú在评估过程中对135所学校和25491名学生进行了测试。评估结果表明,教师同意所提出的策略,因为它使他们能够随时随地获得评估信息。结果还突出表明,使用该工具的用户可以实时获得视觉信息。此外,通过应用程序共享的信息可改善针对所评估地区学习成绩不佳的纠正措施的决策。



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