首页> 外文会议>Progress in electromagnetics research symposium >Geographical Distribution of Childhood Acute Leukaemia in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, Mexico and Its Correlation with the Wireless and High Voltage Network

Geographical Distribution of Childhood Acute Leukaemia in the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, Mexico and Its Correlation with the Wireless and High Voltage Network




This first study conducted by the University of Guadalajara, the Pediatric National Social Security Medical Center, the Hospital Civil de Guadalajara and the General Hospital of Guadalajara, shows the geographical and temporal distribution of 269 cases of children suffering from leukaemia in 6 municipalities in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara (2014). In Mexico, geographical information systems (GIS) have been rarely implemented to monitor spatial assessments of leukaemia. We present an analysis of the spatial distribution of acute leukaemia among children from 0 to 16 years of age in the metropolitan zone of Guadalajara, Mexico using individual case hospital data from the three main hospital facilities treating this population. Methods: Using the approach of spatial epidemiology DBSCAN and 1-dist. cases of leukaemia obtained from the databases of hospitals resulted in "clusters" or groups of cases/100,000 inhabitants. Cancer cases were grouped according to an internationally recognized morphology. Results: The results show the occurrence of 94 cases of leukaemia along the deployment path of high voltage electricity, or 36% of all reported cases are located less than 100 meters in distance from a distribution line and other results shows 24 cases/100,000 inhabitants for leukaemia (acute lymphoblastic leukaemia) LLA and 4.4 cases/100,000 inhabitants for leukaemia AML (acute myeloid leukaemia). These resulting measurements exceed international norms. The values are usually 3-5 cases/100,000 for LLA and 0.8 cascs/100,000 for AML. Conclusions: Although the etiology of most childhood leukaemias is unknown, there is a significant correlation between spatial disease cluster (with an unusually elevated disease incidence rate) and both the high voltage distribution network and the wireless communication network. Studies in the literature have focused on childhood leukaemia because of its relatively large incidence among children compared with other malignant disease, its apparent tendency to cluster, and the public concern over locally elevated leukaemia incidence.
机译:瓜达拉哈拉大学,儿科国家社会保障医疗中心,瓜达拉哈拉平民医院和瓜达拉哈拉总医院进行的第一项研究显示,大都市区6个城市中有269例白血病儿童的地理和时间分布瓜达拉哈拉(2014)。在墨西哥,很少使用地理信息系统(GIS)来监测白血病的空间评估。我们使用来自治疗该人群的三家主要医院机构的个案医院数据,对墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉大都市区0至16岁儿童中急性白血病的空间分布进行了分析。方法:采用空间流行病学方法DBSCAN和1-dist。从医院数据库中获得的白血病病例导致了“群体”或每100 000居民的病例组。根据国际公认的形态对癌症病例进行分组。结果:结果表明,在沿高压电力部署路径发生的94例白血病病例中,或报告的所有病例中有36%位于距配电线的距离不足100米的地方,其他结果表明,每10万居民中有24例白血病白血病(急性淋巴细胞白血病)LLA和每10万名居民AML(急性髓性白血病)有4.4例。这些测量结果超出了国际规范。 LLA的值通常为3-5个案例/ 100,000,AML的值通常为0.8 cascs / 100,000。结论:尽管大多数儿童白血病的病因尚不清楚,但空间疾病群(疾病发病率异常升高)与高压配电网和无线通信网之间存在显着相关性。文献中的研究集中在儿童白血病上,因为与其他恶性疾病相比,儿童白血病在儿童中的发病率相对较高,其明显的聚集趋势以及公众对局部白血病发病率的关注。



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