首页> 外文会议>IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium >Basis of Power Effects on Method of Communication

Basis of Power Effects on Method of Communication




This paper aims to propose correlations between the dominating basis power individuals perceive their supervisor to possess and the method of communication they utilize to interact with their superior(s). This paper serves three purposes. First, it evaluates members within an organization with a set chain of command, to gain an understanding of how individuals prefer to communicate ideas and information with their superior based on their superior's perceived basis of power. Second, it evaluates a matrix organization consisting of ten automotive mechanical engineering students (cadets), as team members, and one engineering management student, as the project manager, to gain an understanding of how team members actually communicate ideas and information with the project manager based on his perceived basis of power. Third, it discusses the difficulties of communicating within a decentralized team and offer recommendations on effective methods of communication for organizations where members do not work in a central location.



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