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Human exploration of Phobos




This study developed, analyzed, and compared mission architectures for human exploration of Mars' moons within the context of an Evolvable Mars Campaign. METHODS: All trades assumed conjunction class missions to Phobos (approximately 500 days in Mars system) as it was considered the driving case for the transportation architecture. All architectures assumed that the Mars transit habitat would remain in a high-Mars orbit (HMO) with crewmembers transferring between HMO and Phobos in a small crew taxi vehicle. A reference science/exploration program was developed including performance of a standard set of tasks at 55 locations on the Phobos surface. Detailed EVA timelines were developed using realistic flight rules to accomplish the reference science tasks using exploration systems ranging from jetpacks to multi-person pressurized excursion vehicles combined with Phobos surface and orbital (L1, L4/L5, 20 km distant-retrograde-orbit [DRO]) habitat options. Detailed models of propellant mass, crew time, science productivity, radiation exposure, systems and consumables masses, and other figures of merit were integrated to enable quantitative comparison of different architectural options. Options for prestaging assets using solar electric propulsion versus delivering all systems with the crew were also evaluated. Seven discrete mission architectures were evaluated. RESULTS: The driving consideration for habitat location (Phobos surface versus orbital) was radiation exposure, with an estimated reduction in cumulative mission radiation exposure of up to 34% (versus a Mars orbital mission) when the habitat is located on the Phobos surface, compared with only 3% to 6% reduction for a habitat in a 20-km DRO. The exploration utility of lightweight unpressurized excursion vehicles was limited by the need to remain within 20 minutes of solar particle event radiation protection combined with complex guidance, navigation, and control systems required by the nonintuitive and highly- variable gravitational environment. Two-person pressurized excursion vehicles as well as mobile surface habitats offer significant exploration capability and operational benefits compared with unpressurized extravehicular activity (EVA) mobility systems at the cost of increased system and propellant mass. Mechanical surface translation modes (ie, hopping) were modeled and offered potentially significant propellant savings and the possibility of extended exploration operations between crewed missions. Options for extending the use of the crew taxi vehicle were examined, including use as an exploration asset for Phobos surface exploration (when combined with an alternate mobility system) and as an EVA platform, both on Phobos and for contingency EVA on the Mars transit habitat. CONCLUSIONS: Human exploration of Phobos offers a scientifically meaningful first step towards human Mars surface missions that develops and validates transportation, habitation, and exploration systems and operations in advance of the Mars landing systems.
机译:这项研究开发,分析和比较了在可演化的火星战役中用于人类探索火星卫星的任务架构。方法:所有行业都承担了去火卫一的联队任务(在火星系统中大约为500天),因为它被认为是运输体系结构的驱动案例。所有架构都假定火星过境栖息地将保留在高火星轨道(HMO)中,而机组人员则使用小型乘员出租车在HMO和火卫一之间转移。制定了参考科学/探索计划,包括在火卫一表面上的55个位置执行一组标准任务。使用逼真的飞行规则制定了详细的EVA时间轴,以使用从喷气背包到结合了Phobos表面和轨道(L1,L4 / L5、20公里远距逆向轨道[DRO]的多人加压游览车)的探索系统来完成参考科学任务])栖息地选项。推进剂质量,乘员时间,科学生产率,辐射暴露,系统和消耗品质量以及其他品质因数的详细模型已集成在一起,可以对不同的建筑方案进行定量比较。还评估了使用太阳能推进与将所有系统交付机组人员进行资产预储的方案。评估了七个离散任务架构。结果:栖息地位置(Phobos表面相对于轨道)的驱动因素是辐射暴露,与之相比,当栖息地位于Phobos表面时,累计任务辐射暴露估计最多可减少34%(与火星轨道任务相比)。在20公里DRO中的栖息地仅减少了3%至6%。轻型无压力游览车的勘探实用性受到限制,因为需要将太阳粒子事件辐射防护保持在20分钟以内,并结合非直觉和高度可变的重力环境所需的复杂的制导,导航和控制系统。与无压力的舱外活动(EVA)机动性系统相比,两人加压的游览车以及可移动的地面栖息地具有显着的勘探能力和运营优势,但以增加系统和推进剂的质量为代价。对机械表面平移模式(即跳跃)进行了建模,可以节省大量的推进剂,并可以在人员之间执行扩展的勘探作业。审查了扩大使用乘用出租车的选择方案,包括用作火卫一地面勘探的探索资产(与备用机动系统结合使用)以及作为火卫三平台的EVA平台,既用于火卫一,又用于火星过境栖息地的应急EVA 。结论:人类对火卫一的探索为迈向人类火星的地面任务提供了科学上有意义的第一步,该任务在火星着陆系统之前发展并验证了运输,居住,探索系统和操作。



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