
Practices to overcome split incentives in the EU building stock




Split incentives are typically regarded as a major barrier toinvestments in energy efficiency upgrades in the building sector.Stemming from a transaction whose benefits do not accrueto the person who pays for it, they affect a large share ofEurope’s buildings: privately rented homes, multi-apartmentbuildings, social housing units and leased commercial orpublic premises. As the Energy Efficiency Directive calls forMember States to take appropriate measures and address thisbarrier, increased interest is drawn on how to design policiesand measures that successfully resolve this long-lastingproblem.Our paper focuses on how various regulatory measures,contractual solutions and financial mechanisms can effectivelymitigate this barrier. A broad overview of the split incentiveproblem across Europe is first outlined, by identifying thedifferent groups affected, most vulnerable groups and extentto which the building sector is exposed to this problem indifferent parts of Europe. It is then shown that current solutionsaddressing split incentives in the building sector vary innature, ranging from revised rent acts, green leases, on-billfinance mechanisms, minimum energy performance standards,use of inclusive rents and others. Each solution and itsapplicability for each segment of the building sector are discussedand a set of common principles upon which successfulstrategies are drawn is provided. Current and planned effortsby the EU Member States outlined in the recently publishedNational Energy Efficiency Action Plans are reviewed. Thepaper concludes with a number of policy recommendationsfor stimulating energy efficiency investments in the affectedsegments of the building sector.
机译:分裂激励措施通常被认为是一个主要的障碍 建筑业能源效率升级的投资。 源于福利不累积的交易 向支付它的人,他们影响了大量 欧洲建筑:私人租用的房屋,多公寓 建筑物,社会住房单位和租赁商业或 公共场所。作为能效指令呼叫 会员国采取适当措施并解决此问题 障碍,增加兴趣是如何设计策略 并成功解决这一持久的措施 问题。 我们的论文重点介绍了各种监管措施, 合同解决方案和财务机制可以有效 减轻这个障碍。广泛概述分裂激励 首先概述了欧洲的问题,通过识别 不同的群体受影响,最脆弱的群体和程度 建筑物部门接触到这个问题 欧洲的不同部分。然后显示当前的解决方案 解决建筑物的分裂激励因其而异 自然,从修改租金行为,绿色租赁,票据 财务机制,最低能源性能标准, 使用包容性租金和其他人。每个解决方案及其 讨论了建筑物每个部门的适用性 以及成功的一系列常见原则 提供了策略。当前和计划的努力 由最近发表的欧盟成员国 审查了国家能源效率行动计划。这 纸张结束了许多政策建议 用于刺激受影响的能效投资 建筑业的细分。



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