首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies >Detection of diseases based on vessel structure and colour changes as viewed on the Sclera region of the eye

Detection of diseases based on vessel structure and colour changes as viewed on the Sclera region of the eye




The vessel structure as viewed on the sclera, the white and opaque outer protective covering of the eye, is stable over time and unique to each person. A few researchers have studied colour changes that occur in the sclera region and vein pattern deformities and have reported promising, but low accuracy, initial results. The vessel pattern on the top of the sclera poses several challenges: the vein structure moves and deforms with the movement of the eye and its surrounding tissues; images of sclera patterns are often defocused and/or saturated; and, most importantly, the vein structure in the sclera is multi-layered and has complex non-linear deformation. The colour of the conjunctiva layer above the sclera gives a very good indication of the well being of a person. The pattern of the sclera based blood vessels is a good database for the identification of several diseases and the thickness of the vessels give an indication of the mental state of the person. This makes the scanning and storing of the sclera vein pattern and the colour of the sclera a very good database for monitoring the physical and mental state of a person.



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