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Stance Detection in Fake News: A Combined Feature Representation




With the uncontrolled increasing of fake news and rumors over the Web, different approaches have been proposed to address the problem. In this paper, we present an approach that combines lexical, word embeddings and n-gram features to detect the stance in fake news. Our approach has been tested on the Fake News Challenge (FNC-1) dataset. Given a news title-article pair, the FNC-1 task aims at determining the relevance of the article and the title. Our proposed approach has achieved an accurate result (59.6 % Macro F1) that is close to the state-of-the-art result with 0.013 difference using a simple feature representation. Furthermore, we have investigated the importance of different lexicons in the detection of the classification labels.
机译:随着不受控制的虚假新闻和谣言的增加,已经提出了不同的方法来解决问题。在本文中,我们提出了一种结合词汇,单词嵌入和N-GRAM功能的方法来检测假新闻中的立场。我们的方法已经在假新闻挑战(FNC-1)数据集上进行了测试。鉴于新闻标题 - 章程对,FNC-1任务旨在确定文章和标题的相关性。我们所提出的方法已经实现了一个准确的结果(59.6%的宏F1),其与最先进的结果靠近使用简单特征表示的0.013差异。此外,我们研究了不同词汇在检测分类标签中的重要性。



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