
Applying Gianni Rodari Techniques to Develop Creative Educational Environments

机译:应用詹尼·罗达里(Gianni Rodari)技术开发创新的教育环境



In this article we will conduct a study of the Gianni Rodari School, a technique used in the initial educational levels of pre-schools and primary schools, but in this case for the use in the development of new creative ideas for the college projects, and vocational training subjects. For this we define and justify the essence of creativity as ideas, using a structure that can be stored in the cloud. To validate the system, we present a case study by using abstract concepts of human knowledge in the cloud. The presented work takes into consideration the interaction and collaborative work to promote creativity and the generation of new ideas in a clear and ordered way for the students.
机译:在本文中,我们将对Gianni Rodari学校进行研究,Gianni Rodari学校是一种用于学前班和小学的初始教育水平的技术,但在这种情况下,该技术可用于开发针对大学项目的新创意,以及职业培训科目。为此,我们使用可以存储在云中的结构来定义和证明创意的实质,并将其作为想法。为了验证系统,我们通过使用云中人类知识的抽象概念提出一个案例研究。呈现的作品考虑了互动和协作工作,以清晰有序的方式促进学生的创造力和新想法的产生。



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