首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality >DEMO Fast vision-based multiplanar scene modeling in unprepared environments

DEMO Fast vision-based multiplanar scene modeling in unprepared environments




In this demonstration, we present a general purpose Augmented Reality (AR) system that allows to add easily 3D computer generated (CG) objects into real man-made environments. Our system goes to a very intuitive and easy in situ 3D structure recovery of planar piecewise scenes without using powerful hardware nor commodity sensors. The user simply has to move the camera (translation of the camera is mandatory) and take two different pictures of the scene, and our approach obtains a rough planar piecewise representation of the environment suitable to conduct multi-planar tracking for visual model-based augmented reality and to augment it with virtual objects coherently. Polyhedral representations of scenes are very convenient for manmade environments indoor (e.g., offices, rooms, classrooms) and outdoor (e.g., facades, floor), hence we focus the potential applications of our system to augment simple rooms or urban scenes with virtual imagery.



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