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Web accessibility evaluation of massive open online courses on Geographical Information Systems




This paper describes some of the challenges that exist to make accessible massive open online courses (MOOCs) on Geographical Information Systems (GIS). These courses are known by the generic name of Geo-MOOCs. A MOOC is an online course that is open to the general public for free, which causes a massive registration. A GIS is a computer application that acquire, manipulate, manage, model and visualize geo-referenced data. The goal of a Geo-MOOC is to expand the culture of spatial thinking and the use of geographic information, enabling geospatial web technologies for widespread use. However, the Geo-MOOCs, by nature, have inherent problems of accessibility. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), Article 24, recognize the right of persons with disabilities to education. “States Parties must ensure that persons with disabilities are able to access general tertiary education, vocational training, adult education and lifelong learning without discrimination and on an equal basis with others” [1]. Therefore, it is important to have accessible Geo-MOOCs. In this paper, we present the results of the evaluation of a Geo-MOOC called “Maps and the Geospatial Revolution” using three tools available for free on the Internet: Chrome Developer Tools - Accessibility Audit, eXaminator and WAVE; and included a selection of web content and geographical data representative of the course. This provided feedback for establishing recommendations to improve the accessibility of the analyzed course. Other Geo-MOOCs can also benefit from these recommendations.
机译:本文介绍了一些使地理信息系统(GIS)上的大规模开放式在线课程(MOOC)可以访问的挑战。这些课程被称为Geo-MOOC。 MOOC是一种在线课程,对公众免费开放,这会导致大量注册。 GIS是一种计算机应用程序,可获取,操纵,管理,建模和可视化地理参考数据。 Geo-MOOC的目标是扩展空间思维文化和地理信息的使用,从而使地理空间网络技术得以广泛使用。但是,Geo-MOOC本质上具有可访问性的内在问题。 《残疾人权利公约》(CRPD)第24条承认残疾人受教育的权利。 “缔约国必须确保残疾人能够不受歧视地并在与他人平等的基础上接受普通高等教育,职业培训,成人教育和终身学习” [1]。因此,拥有可访问的Geo-MOOC很重要。在本文中,我们使用Internet上免费提供的三种工具介绍了称为“地图和地理空间革命”的Geo-MOOC的评估结果:Chrome开发者工具-可访问性审核,eXaminator和WAVE;并选择了代表课程的网络内容和地理数据。这为建立建议以改善被分析课程的可访问性提供了反馈。其他Geo-MOOC也可以从这些建议中受益。



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