
VISIR work in progress




The VISIR (Virtual Instrument Systems in Reality) Open Lab Platform is an architecture that enable universities, secondary schools, and other organizations to open instructional laboratories for remote access with preserved context. VISIR emanates from a feasibility study made in 1999 at BTH (Blekinge Institute of Technology) in Sweden. Today, VISIR laboratories are online at seven universities globally where thousands of students can work and conduct most experiments that can be performed on a solderless breadboard remotely without any risk of being harmed. IAOE (International Association of Online Engineering has organized SIG VISIR a Special Interest Group for VISIR. Further development of the platform is carried out in this Community. This paper is about work in progress especially at BTH.
机译:VISIR(现实中的虚拟仪器系统)开放实验室平台是一种体系结构,使大学,中学和其他组织可以打开教学实验室,以便在保留上下文的情况下进行远程访问。 VISIR源自1999年在瑞典BTH(布莱金厄技术学院)进行的可行性研究。如今,VISIR实验室已在全球7所大学的在线环境中运行,成千上万的学生可以在无锡面包板上远程进行大多数实验,而这些实验不会受到任何伤害。 IAOE(国际在线工程协会为SIGIR组织了一个特别兴趣小组SIG VISIR。该平台在该社区中进行了进一步开发。本文是关于BTH正在进行的工作。



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