




Before introducing the subject of the Symposium, it is better to clarify the difference betweenpoint source and non-point source pollution (NPS). Point source and NPS differ in the scaleof the areal extent of their source. NPS is a terrestrial system refers “to those contaminantsin surface and subsurface soil and water resources that are diffused, or rather, are spreadover large area” (Corwin, 1996). NPS cannot be traced to a point location or source. Incontrast, point source pollutants are connected with a point location and are generally highlytoxic resulting in acute toxicity. On the other hand the point source pollutants are identifi ableand more easily controlled than NPS. Non-point sources pollutants are a consequence ofagricultural activities, industrial and urban runoff, mining and forest harvesting activities,path salt runoff, atmospheric deposition, and hydrological modifi cation i.e., diversion, dam,over pumping of groundwater etc. On the contrary point sources include hazardous wastespills, industrial or municipal wastewater outfalls, deep-well waste disposal, municipal andhazardous waste dump sites etc. Again the difference between point source and NPS areoften blurred by the scale reference.
机译:在介绍专题讨论会的主题之前,最好先弄清楚它们之间的区别。 点源和非点源污染(NPS)。点源和NPS的规模不同 其来源的面积范围。 NPS是一种地面系统,是指“那些污染物 在表层和地下的土壤和水资源中扩散或分布的土壤和水资源 ”(Corwin,1996年)。 NPS无法跟踪到点位置或源。在 相反,点源污染物与点位置有关,并且通常高度污染 有毒,导致急性毒性。另一方面,可以识别出点源污染物 而且比NPS更容易控制。非点源污染物是以下原因造成的: 农业活动,工业和城市径流,采矿和森林采伐活动, 径盐径流,大气沉积和水文修改,即引水,大坝, 相反地​​,水源包括危险废物 溢漏,工业或市政废水排污口,深井垃圾处理,市政和 危险废物倾倒场所等。同样,点源与NPS之间的差异是 通常会被比例尺参考模糊。



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