首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation >What you do is who you are: The role of task context in perceived social robot personality

What you do is who you are: The role of task context in perceived social robot personality




People tend to unconsciously attribute personality traits to all kinds of technology including robots. But what personality do they want robots to have? Previous research has found support for two contradicting theories: similarity attraction and complementary attraction. The similarity attraction theory implies that people prefer a robot with a similar personality to their own (e.g., an extroverted person prefers an extroverted robot). According to the complementary attraction theory, people prefer a robot's personality opposite to their own (e.g., extroverted people prefer an introverted robot). In contrast to both theories, we argue that what is considered an appropriate personality for a robot depends on the task context. In a 2×2 between-groups experiment (N=45), we found trends that indicated similarity attraction for extrovert participants when the robot was a tour guide and complementary attraction for introverted participants when the robot was a cleaner. These trends show that preferences for robot personalities may indeed depend on the context of the robot's role and the stereotype perceptions people hold for certain jobs. Robot behaviors likely need to be adapted not in complimentary or similarity to the users' personality but to the users' expectations about what kind of personality and behaviors are consistent with such a task or role.
机译:人们倾向于在不知不觉中将人格特征归因于包括机器人在内的各种技术。但是他们希望机器人具有什么样的个性?先前的研究发现支持两种相互矛盾的理论:相似性吸引和互补性吸引。相似吸引理论意味着人们喜欢具有与自己个性相似的机器人(例如,性格外向的人喜欢性格外向的机器人)。根据互补吸引理论,人们更喜欢机器人的性格与自己相反(例如,性格外向的人更喜欢性格内向的机器人)。与两种理论相比,我们认为机器人的合适个性取决于任务环境。在2×2的小组间实验(N = 45)中,我们发现了这样的趋势:当机器人作为向导时,外向型参与者的吸引力相似;当机器人更清洁时,内向型参与者的吸引力互补。这些趋势表明,对机器人个性的偏爱确实可能取决于机器人角色的背景以及人们对某些工作持有的刻板印象。机器人的行为可能需要不与用户的个性互补或相似,而要根据用户对什么样的个性和行为与此类任务或角色相一致的期望进行调整。



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