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Speaker identification from shouted speech: Analysis and compensation




Text-independent speaker identification is studied using neutral and shouted speech in Finnish to analyze the effect of vocal mode mismatch between training and test utterances. Standard mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) features with Gaussian mixture model (GMM) recognizer are used for speaker identification. The results indicate that speaker identification accuracy reduces from perfect (100 %) to 8.71 % under vocal mode mismatch. Because of this dramatic degradation in recognition accuracy, we propose to use a joint density GMM mapping technique for compensating the MFCC features. This mapping is trained on a disjoint emotional speech corpus to create a completely speaker- and speech mode independent emotion-neutralizing mapping. As a result of the compensation, the 8.71 % identification accuracy increases to 32.00 % without degrading the non-mismatched train-test conditions much.



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