首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Professional Communication Conference >Back to the Future: A Usability Model of Hypertext Based on the Semiotics of C.S. Peirce

Back to the Future: A Usability Model of Hypertext Based on the Semiotics of C.S. Peirce




Though C.S. Peirce's triads of sign-object-interpretant and icon-index-symbol are often cited in passing, few are aware that Peirce (circa 1900) expanded these triads to describe ten categories of sign (three kinds of icon, four kinds of index, and three kinds of symbol). We will show how Peirce's ten sign types correspond to ten distinct types of visuals common in 21st-century discourse, i.e. hypertext, and how a Peircean understanding of each visual type leads to principles of effective visual design, on the Web or in other forms of hypertext.
机译:虽然CS Peirce的标志对象解释和图标索引符号经常被引用,但很少有人知道Peirce(大约1900)扩展了这些三合会来描述十大类标志(三种图标,四种索引。和三种符号)。我们将展示Peirce的十种符号类型对应于21世纪话语中的十种不同类型的视觉态度,即超文本,以及如何对每个视觉类型的Peircean理解如何导致有效视觉设计的原则,在网上或其他形式超文本。



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