首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems >A Fuzzy Model of Diagnosis and Treatment by Acupuncture Based on Pulse Symbols by Triple Cun - Guan - Chi of Traditional Oriental Medicine

A Fuzzy Model of Diagnosis and Treatment by Acupuncture Based on Pulse Symbols by Triple Cun - Guan - Chi of Traditional Oriental Medicine




We propose a fuzzy model of reasoning for a pulses Based Disease Symptoms Diagnosis and Treatment by Acupuncture based on experience of the famous Vietnamese acupunturist Nguyen Tai Thu. Symptoms are represented as pulse symbols and disease symptoms which are regarded as fuzzy sets. The value of a membership degree in the fuzzy set of a pulse symptom or a disease symptom is given in [0,1]. Diagnostic and acupuncture treatment process is based on pulse symbols by triple Cun-Quan-Chi of traditional Oriental medicine. Based on pulse symbols, the diagnostic and treatment process provides the physician with disease symptoms and acupuncture treatment formula with some types absolutely confirmation, almost confirmation, possible confirmation and not confirmation. An example of pulse diagnosis by Left hand in Cun 1st position and acuouncture treatment is given.
机译:我们提出了一种基于越南Acupunturist Nguyen Taiu的经验的基于脉冲的脉冲疾病症状诊断和治疗的模糊模型。症状被认为是被视为模糊套的脉冲符号和疾病症状。脉冲症状或疾病症状的模糊组征收度数的价值在[0,1]中给出。诊断和针灸治疗过程基于传统东方医学的三重CUN-CHI脉冲符号。基于脉冲符号,诊断和治疗过程提供疾病症状和针灸治疗配方的医生,其中一些类型绝对确认,几乎确认,可能的确认并没有确认。给出了CUN中左手的脉冲诊断的一个例子,并在第1位和ACUONCTURE治疗中进行。



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