首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Information Technologies in Medicine and Education;ITME 2012 >Application of salivary protein fingerprint model in the syndrome differentiation of breast cancer

Application of salivary protein fingerprint model in the syndrome differentiation of breast cancer




Objective: Using Surface enhanced laser desorption and ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS) analysis of the salivary proteins of breast cancer patients (liver qi stagnation syndrome and deficiency of both liver and kidney yin syndrome), and to determine specific protein marker and establish a salivary protein fingerprint for the differentiation of liver qi stagnation syndrome and deficiency of both liver and kidney yin syndrome in patients with breast cancer. Methods: Fourty-seven saliva samples from breast cancer patients (26 patients were of liver qi stagnation syndrome, 21 patients of deficiency of both live and kidney yin syndrome) were tested using SELDI-TOF-MS to establish diagnostic model of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for breast cancer. Results: In these 2 groups, 243 proteins peaks were identified and 33 protein peaks showed significantly statistical difference. A diagnostic model consisting of 2 proteins (mass to charge ratio (M/Z) value was 8087.575 Da and 3378.142 Da respectively) was established and could be used to distinguish liver qi stagnation syndrome and deficiency of both liver and kidney yin syndrome. In 47 breast cancer patients, 25 of liver qi stagnation syndrome were correctly diagnosed, and 21 of deficiency of both liver and kidney yin syndrome were correctly ruled out. The sensitivity is 96.15% (25/26), and specificity 80.95% (17/21). Conclusions: Using SELDI-TOF-MS technique to establish salivary protein fingerprint model for TCM syndrome differentiation of breast cancer can provide a novel method of high specificity and sensitivity for the differentiation of TCM syndromes, and further investigation and application should be performed.
机译:目的:使用表面增强激光解吸和电离飞行时间质谱(SELDI-TOF MS)分析乳腺癌患者的唾液蛋白(肝气郁结证和肝肾阴虚证),并确定特异性蛋白标记物并建立唾液蛋白指纹图谱,用于区分乳腺癌患者的肝气郁结证和肝肾阴虚证。方法:采用SELDI-TOF-MS对乳腺癌患者的47份唾液样本(肝气郁证26例,活阴肾阴虚证21例)进行检测,建立中医诊断模型(中医)。结果:在这两组中,鉴定出243个蛋白质峰,其中33个蛋白质峰显示出显着的统计学差异。建立了由两种蛋白质组成的诊断模型(质荷比(M / Z)分别为8087.575 Da和3378.42 Da),可用于区分肝气郁结证和肝肾阴虚证。在47例乳腺癌患者中,正确诊断出25例肝气郁结综合征,正确排除21例肝肾阴虚证。敏感性为96.15%(25/26),特异性为80.95%(17/21)。结论:利用SELDI-TOF-MS技术建立唾液蛋白指纹图谱用于乳腺癌中医辨证分型,可以为中医辨证分型提供高特异性和高敏感性的新方法,值得进一步研究和应用。



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