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This Global COE Program, began in 2007, is proceeding in creating an outstanding international research and education center that produces scientists and engineers having rich humanity and the skills of actively working in the international arena. On the research front, we are pursuing new human-centered science and technology in order to provide digital support that meets the needs of individual activities. We have established targets having levels of higher performance than those based on the conventional information, electrical and electronic technologies, and we are making progress on coordinated research that integrates areas from photonic /electronic devices to network communication and haptics. Specifically, to provide advanced human support in access spaces, we are pursuing research that heightens synergistic achievements in the following four fields: ✓ Basic engineering physics for innovative photonic/electronic device creation, ✓ Environment-embedded device technology, ✓ Real-world and real-time network for multi-dimensional processing and communication, ✓ Perception and expression technology.



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