首页> 外文会议>International conference on information systems;ICIS 2010 >Incentives in Service Value Networks - On Truthfulness, Sustainability, and Interoperability

Incentives in Service Value Networks - On Truthfulness, Sustainability, and Interoperability




The concurrence of technical and behavioral trends - such as lightweight approaches for service composition and a rising demand for customized services - fosters the emergence of a novel organizational paradigm: Service Value Networks (SVN). Distributed and highly-specialized service providers contribute to an overall value proposition. SVNs provide means for the ad-hoc composition of services that satisfies individual customers' needs. However, the distributed nature of these environments and the opportunistic behavior of participants require a purposeful design of incentives. Our contribution is threefold: We (i) provide an auction mechanism - the Complex Service Auction - to coordination value creation in SVNs which is incentive compatible in dominant strategies (truthful). To restore budget balance - the prerequisite for a mechanism's sustainability - and to implement incentives that increase a network's degree of interoperability, we (ii) present the Interoperability Transfer Function (ITF). Applying an agent-based simulation method, we (Hi) numerically show that this payment scheme limits strategic behavior of service providers and strengthens interoperability endeavors compared to a benchmark transfer function.
机译:技术和行为趋势的并发(例如,服务组合的轻量级方法和对定制服务的需求不断增长)促进了新型组织范式的出现:服务价值网络(SVN)。分布式和高度专业化的服务提供商为整体价值主张做出了贡献。 SVN为满足特定客户需求的临时服务组合提供了方法。但是,这些环境的分布式性质和参与者的机会主义行为需要有针对性的激励措施设计。我们的贡献是三方面的:我们(i)提供拍卖机制-复杂服务拍卖-来协调SVN中的价值创造,这在主导策略中是激励兼容的(真实的)。为了恢复预算平衡(机制可持续性的前提条件)并实施提高网络互操作性的激励措施,我们(ii)提出了互操作性转移功能(ITF)。与基于基准的传递函数相比,我们(Hi)应用基于代理的仿真方法,数值表明该支付方案限制了服务提供商的战略行为,并增强了互操作性。



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