
Human location and recognition for intelligent air conditioners




Through analyzing the low resolution video captured by a single camera fixed on the air condition, this paper proposes an approach that can automatically estimate the person's location and recognize the person's identification in real time. Human location can be obtained by smart geometry calculation with the knowledge of the camera intrinsic parameters and living experience. Human recognition has been found to be very difficult in reality, especially when the person is walking at a distance in the complexity indoor conditions. For optimal performance, we use the shape feature gait energy image (GEI) as the basis, since it isn't sensitive the noise. Then we extract more efficient features using the histograms of oriented gradients (HOG) and do the dimensionality reduction by the coupled subspaces analysis and discriminant analysis with tensor representation (CSA+DATER), Finally the classical Bayesian Theory is used for fusion of the result of HOG and the result of CSA+DATER. The proposed approach is tested on our lab database to evaluate the performance of the human location and recognition. To verify the robust of our human recognition approach especially, CMU MoBo gait database is used. Experimental results show that the proposed approach has a high accuracy rate in both human identification recognition and location estimation.
机译:通过分析固定在空调上的单个摄像机捕获的低分辨率视频,本文提出了一种可以自动估计人员位置并实时识别人员身份的方法。借助相机固有参数和生活经验的知识,可以通过智能几何计算来获得人的位置。已经发现,在现实中,特别是当人在复杂的室内条件下远距离行走时,人的识别是非常困难的。为了获得最佳性能,我们使用形状特征步态能量图像(GEI)作为基础,因为它对噪声不敏感。然后我们使用定向梯度直方图(HOG)提取更有效的特征,并通过耦合子空间分析和张量表示的判别分析(CSA + DATER)进行降维,最后将经典贝叶斯理论用于融合结果HOG和CSA + DATER的结果。在我们的实验室数据库上测试了所提出的方法,以评估人类位置和识别的性能。特别是为了验证我们的人类识别方法的鲁棒性,使用了CMU MoBo步态数据库。实验结果表明,该方法在人体识别识别和位置估计方面均具有较高的准确率。



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