首页> 外文会议>2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium : Conference Record >Photo-neutron source by high energy electrons on target: Comparison between Monte Carlo predicitons and experimental measurements

Photo-neutron source by high energy electrons on target: Comparison between Monte Carlo predicitons and experimental measurements




A photo-neutron source has been realized at the DaΦne Beam Test Facility: neutrons are produced by sending high energy electrons (510 MeV) to impinge on an optimized target. Neutron flux and spectra have been measured along well designed extraction lines. The experimental data have been compared with Monte Carlo predictions performed with FLUKA and MCNPX, respectively. The comparison between measured neutron rates, energy spectra and the correspective Monte Carlo expectations is presented, as well as the simulation results from the two different Monte Carlo codes are compared and analyzed.
机译:在DAφNe光束测试设施中实现了光学源:通过将高能电子(510MeV)发送到优化的目标来产生中子来产生中子。沿着设计良好的提取线测量中子磁通和光谱。将实验数据与Monte Carlo预测分别与Fluka和MCNPX进行的蒙特卡罗预测进行了比较。提出了测量中子速率,能谱和核心蒙特卡罗期望之间的比较,并进行了比较和分析了两种不同的蒙特卡罗代码的模拟结果。



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